Business Solutions:+356 21442019

About Malta

Malta is a great place to live in. With over 300 hundred days of sun per year, attractive beaches, a thriving nightlife and 7,000 years of intriguing history, there is a great deal to see and do in Malta.

Business in Malta

The local economy is relatively small, since the local population numbers just over 400,000. The Maltese economy is based on tourism, financial services and gaming industry, the latter two enjoying the strong legal framework provided by Malta within the EU. This enables foreign investors to easily incorporate their business in Malta and still service customers throughout the EU.

Malta always had an attractive tax system, which has proven to deliver a considerable advantage to investors and business owners who can relocate their business. The main reason being that under our full imputation system, International Trading Companies operating in Malta pay an effective rate of tax that is lower than 5%. This is achieved through a refund on the distribution of dividends which compensates for more than 85% of the 35% company tax that is charged on the trading company. This system is compatible with EU rules and regulations, making Malta a tax haven.

Demographic Information

Mediterranean, south of Sicily and Italy around 91km
GMT + 1
316 sq km (122 sq miles)
404,000 estimate 2008
Maltese, English
Political Status
EU Member since 2004
Republic since 1964
Head of State
President George Abela since 2009

Industry Sectors

The following industries are among the current targets for development and investment incentives:

Weather Information

Malta’s weather is normally warm and sunny by European Standards except for a short period of time between december and february. Please check the current weather in the Maltese Islands here.